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Senin, 26 September 2011

ITS have a car made from bleach to Germany

ITS have a car made from bleach to GermanyITS have a car made from bleach to Germany - Member of Team Spectronics-3 from the Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Industrial Engineering and ITS-3 Car Spectronics their creations. The car was fueled H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) or bleaching agents. ITS student teams bring a car fueled household bleach (hydrogen peroxide or H2O2) titled "Spektronics-3" to follow the event "Chemical Engineering Car Competition" (Chem-E Car) 2011 in Germany, 26-28 September.
"Problem lose-win is not a problem, because being the only representative of Indonesia it is a victory," said Rector Prof. Dr. Ir ITS Triyogi Yuwono DEA when removing the Robotics team at the House of ITS Surabaya on Friday.
"If the Chem-E Car event in Malaysia, the ITS team to use lemon as a fuel, it is now using bleach, because the other participants have been many who use the lemon," said Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ing ITS Saso Herman.
Fueled cars bleaching agents that are designed five students of Chemical Engineering Department of ITS FTI will compete with 11 cars from other countries in the final "Chem-E Car 2011" that, among Iran, Germany and other countries that the majority of Europe.
"Technically, H2O2 or bleach clothing will try to be separated into water and oxygen gas. The gas is then that will push the piston so that cars can run. It's like a balloon that is pulled due to the gas is gradually removed," said Supervisor Tim Spectronics-3, Hamzah Fansuri PhD.
He is optimistic about bagging boast achievements in competitions in Germany, because in previous competitions Spektronics-1 car that won "Best Car Design" and third place for "Poster Competition" in Taiwan, while the car Spektronics-2 won second prize for "Poster and Presentation Competition "in Malaysia.
"For achievements in the Asia-Pacific region, then we really made the competition in Europe as a target. At the very least, we can get` big five ', "said Head of the Laboratory for Energy Studies ITS Surabaya.
In the annual competition of Chemical Engineering Society International, there are several points which was considered the distance traveled and the car that carried the burden of a car. The distance to be traveled and the burden to be taken will be notified one hour before the race begins.
"Champion is the participant who has an accuracy of the closest distance race that ends in a cone-shaped trajectory with a diameter of 25 meters and the angle of 15 degrees. If it came out a little of the track will be subject to disqualification," he said.
In addition, the competition also assesses car design and presentation of shapes designed car. Car size should not exceed 40x30 cm or not more than the size shoe, even the weight also may not exceed 10 kilograms.
He added requirements are very strict in the competition include a fuel that is friendly to the environment and do not have gas / liquid visible emissions, mechanisms must be controlled to stop the chemical without control from a distance, and there is no commercial battery as a power car.
Team Leader Spektronics-3 Hardiantoro Dwiputra Wijaya assisted four colleagues and two lecturers and a number of teams on campus ITS constantly monitor developments in the German competition. Four colleagues are M Fauzi, M Aferous, Arditya Wicaktama, and Richard Benapinem Otta, while the ITS team on campus will be coordinated by M Irfan.

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