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Kamis, 22 September 2011

Car Paint Care Tips

Car Paint Care Tips - Can you guess the age of a car from the paint that is still attached to his body? Can. It is not accurate at all but at least we can see if a car is the color of the paint is faded old car.
The process of color fading of paint and a decrease in quality is a natural process. Some causes of this degradation include UV light and chemicals.Actually, not just a car paint that can be damaged by UV light, we too can have skin cancer when exposed to too much UV light.carpolishing
Chemicals. The cause of these variants are more often not realized by users of vehicles because they lack information. Damaging chemicals (harmful) is usually the vehicle body touches us in ways that really is not foreign anymore. What is it?They are the droppings of birds, insects, pollutan in the air, car polishes, salt, and others.
Droppings of birds and insects that get hit.
Actually it is easy to clean while they are still wet (not long ago landed on the car body) but we are often underestimated or simply not had time to quickly clean it.The difficult part is when they are dry. Carefully clean the bird droppings that had dried and become hard; one-one even scratch your car paint.
Besides the difficult to clean after drying, bird droppings and the remains of insects that will be hit by a fade paint that covered the area. Please do not try this at home - you will regret it.
Pollutan in the air.
As you know, the air contains many chemicals in gas form. Especially at high ambient air pollution in major cities in Indonesia contain nitric acid (HNO3) is high.Well nitric acid is corrosive paint your car either in the form of gas or are looking for (when carried by rain water).
Car polishing.
Although it aims to brighten the paint vehicle but you must be careful in the use of polishes. Polishing works by eroding layers of paint using abrasive materials.These materials can lead to reduced car paint ages. Therefore as much as possible avoid using a car polish (car polish).
Salt content in water when high enough to be dangerous because the salt will accelerate the corrosion process.
Quick Maintenance Tips:
* To avoid too much exposure to UV light (over exposed) best to park your car in the shade yan. If it will meninggalka car for a long time in a place exposed to sunlight, it helps you cover your car with a glove car (car cover).
* Wash your car regularly. Good as you wash your car at least once every two weeks to avoid buildup of pollutan and other nasty chemicals.
* Wash your car in the shade so that wash water does not quickly dry out and left behind scars.
* Use a special soap to wash the car with a pH ballanced.
Do not use dish soap because it will erode the layer (coating) of paint.Remember, do not be mistaken which is where the kitchen and car garage.
* Avoid washing with hot water.
Washing the car body with hot water will damage the car paint.
* Give a layer of wax (wax) to give a shine coating layer while protecting the paint from UV rays and other pollutan.
* Perform waxing about 2-3 months to provide extra protection.
* Immediately improve the car's paint is peeling or cracked. The longer the delay the more dangerous.

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